aka Stripped Conversations

Note: no photos are available for this experience as it takes place in complete darkness...

About the experience

What if conversations were to be stripped down to their most basic components of voice and thought? What would happen if we took away the element of sight from the conversation experience?

The answer is Stripped Conversations.

Stripped Conversations is a conversation that takes place in complete darkness, where participants interact with each other solely as disembodied voices.

Sight is a glorious thing, but also distracting. As we speak, we are constantly reading the expressions and body language of those around us, adjusting our words, even filtering them. When we say we are afraid of being judged, what we sometimes mean is we fear the looks of judgement.

The darkness takes it all away. In the darkness, there are no arched eyebrows, no looks of disgust, only disembodied voices and opinions. There is safety in the darkness, enabling the exploration of more vulnerable topics, such as death, fear and regrets.

Perfect for Halloween.

Experience highlights

What else is unique besides having a conversation in a room so dark you can't even see your own hand? Here are some little details we add to make the experience a little more magical:

