Hello awesome person!

Thank you for being part of Screening Sundays Potluck! It was it always such a pleasure to host all of you and listen to the interesting perspectives and ideas shared =)


So, it's our habit here at Empori, to share a log of any experience after it's concluded. Because benefits of reflection and all that jazz.

Below you'll find a collection of:


💡 Depository of Awesome Ideas

The following are all the brilliant, clever and crazy ideas that you guys came up with you in your discussions and small talk. All ideas are good ideas, even bad ones. Who knows, maybe some of these will end up serving as inspiration for your next project! =)

Games for Change

Who is the oldest Instagram account holder with the most number of followers?

Every wondered who the oldest and most popular instagram account holders are? We sure have, and you know what, we don't know. But we'd sure like it find out.

An alternative economic system: Social Currency

So China's Social Credit System seems way to Black Mirror for our tastes. But the idea of social currency (defined as: actual and potential resources from presence in social networks and communities, including both digital and offline) is not inherently evil, and could be a really good replacement for fiscal currency. Experiments are underway around the world, using social currency as a complementary currency in communities to help build a better world. Then there are also ideas such as Time Banking and Copiosis... It's a fun rabbit hole to jump into.