About the experience

Our first foray into the Something Sunday series is Screening Sunday.

With the proliferation of netflix and other streaming platforms, watching of movies and shows have gone from being a communal experience to an individual one. Which can get awfully lonely.

At it's core, screening Sunday is a potluck where people gather together to watch something and discuss what they've just watched. Bringing back the human side of watching TV.

Sharing food you've made and brought brings people closer together, and the screened content gives people an opportunity to have conversations about topics they often won't have the chance to.

Also, in a group, we are all more likely to finish watching those lengthy TED talks and conference lectures. Or at least, that's our experience.

Experience highlights

How is a screening an experimental experience? The devil's in the details. Here are some little features that makes our screening a more mindful experience:

Topics and Variations

Our screenings are always varied: