About the experience

We all need a space to talk, to be heard, to share.

In our many experiments exploring conversations, we discovered one thing. People really want to be heard. So many people seem to be starving for a space to listened to, to feel heard and to share. Which makes a lot of sense, because Maslow and Max-neef both suggests, humans have this thing call social needs. We need to feel like we belong, we need to feel connected with other people. And this need is often satisfied when we are listened to, something which doesn't really happen in the digital age.

Sometimes, listening is the simplest act of kindness we can do for someone. So for all those yearning to be heard, and for all those willing to listen, Sharing Sunday is for you.

Experience highlights

What makes Sharing Sunday it's own, deep and meaningful experience? Here are some little features we add to make it so!: